Saturday, July 01, 2006

Optimism: A Retreat From Reality

Pessimism greatly affects my view of life. Optimism is perhaps more comforting than pessimism, at least until reality proves optimism an illusion. The thought of having an optimistic view proven wrong strikes me as being more embarrassing than having a pessimistic view proven wrong. Perhaps the shame is less because when the pessimist is wrong, others may focus more on the subject of the prediction than the prediction itself. In the case of the optimist being wrong, the opposite is true. Why not expect the worst, and be pleasantly surprised with the result? In the words of my father, "If you expect nothing, and get something, then you are happy." I am convinced that pessimism draws one closer to reality. Reality tends to be harsh at times; it can hurt the unprepared. Pessimism better prepares one to face the realities of life. One may choose to live in a pretend world for a time, but eventually he will ultimately be confronted face-to-face with reality. I know everyone cannot be a pessimist, but why not face life having been prepared by


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